If you dream of living a bigger and more fulfilling life, then NEVER make decisions on your current state.

I heard this nugget of wisdom years ago in one of the million podcast episodes I've listened to. Such a great piece of advice don't you think?

Making decisions based off of peer pressure, instant gratification, the short term fixes, the quick wins will only get you so far and will always impact that bigger dream of yours.

Maybe even push that dream further and further back to the point that it never happens because you didn't treat it as important enough.

So tell me, what is your big vision for you life?

Are you making decisions with that big vision in mind or do you just hope and pray it all works out eventually?

All of us are riddled with conditioning from the past, from our inner child, from trauma, from fear, so unless we have fully conquered all that rubbish and created a new reality, then it's safe to say there will be components of that rubbish still running the show and impacting our decisions.

This is why it is crucial to your success, your endeavours, your big dream, your vision for your life, to always make decisions with that next level you in mind, that big vision in mind, and not allowing your current limitations or excuses rule you.

You can have, be, do, create and receive anything you want in life, just don't let the shiny little objects, compromises or instant gratification get in the way.

Carla xx

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