I get it, affirmations used to make me feel icky too.

That's because for the longest time I had so many deep-rooted beliefs around money, for example;

  • It's stressful

  • It's the route of all evil

  • There was never enough

  • I'll never be rich, wealthy people are just lucky

  • I couldn't make enough to support my family without some fancy degree and on and on...

Any of these resonating with you?

Don't me wrong, these feel like never-ending layers, because it's like they say, "new level new devil."

Every time I advance in my own personal development journey and money mindset work, I still come up against some old and some new beliefs, but the inner work is what creates your external reality, so it is all worth it.

Affirmations are incredibly powerful because they are designed to be repetitive and repetition is key to reprogramming the beliefs that bury themselves in your subconscious.

Any money/wealth/success affirmation that makes you feel off, is a sure sign that your subconscious doesn't believe it.

When you read this affirmation, do you belief it is true?

Carla xx


Desires are not just materialistic items.


Become one with your intuition to succeed.