Human design, projector energy and building an effortless business.

Guest expert Nicole Towers and I dive into human design and how we are supposed to work in a way that is more specific to us and not pushing past our energetic capacity.⁠

You can catch this episode of the podcast here, but here is a recap of what we discussed:
👉How honouring rest amplifies your success in your life and business rather than trying to keep up with everyone else.⁠
👉How human design blends ancient wisdom and scientific evidence to understand your gifts, personality type and where you may experience challenges.⁠
👉We discuss the 5 different aura types, which are the ways that other people feel our energy and how following your own creative urges and going against the linear path can allow you to find aligned success with ease and joy.⁠
👉How it’s important to have a blend of the aura types in business as they support one another’s strengths.⁠
👉How most strategies online are from generators who have continual life force energy and how that doesn’t feel easy to a projector or manifestor or who needs to work less in order to earn more.⁠
👉How allocating less time with intentional energy, can yield massive amounts of growth and client magnetism.⁠
👉Nicole dives into my chart and how I follow my splenic authority (intuition and inner knowing) and that’s how I guide my clients, from an intuitive place.⁠
👉Understanding your authority and how to make decisions from a place of integrity rather than people pleasing or feeling obliged, which can lead to resentment and bitterness.⁠
👉How we both as mothers use the power of human design to guide and understand our children more.⁠

Nicole will be a guest expert in the Momentum Mastermind, so you can understand the power of human design first hand.

Carla xx⁠


Intentional, easy, effortless action allows you to earn more.


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