How you unknowingly sabotage your success.

Too often you sabotage your own success because of these reasons.

1. You don’t believe you are worthy of it.

2. Your environment isn’t supportive.

3. You think someone who has all you dream of possessing was just smarter and luckier than you.

4. You sit in victim land for too long living in the realm of cause and effect, rather than living in the realm of possibility.

None of these reasons are the truth.

Be honest with yourself, because the only person you are kidding is you.

No one else cares as much about your success as you do, so it's time to start taking it seriously.


But, it does not matter what the hell I think.

All that matters is that you start to play with the idea that anything is possible and if it is possible for someone else, they PROVED to you that it is possible.

Carla xx

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No one else cares as much about your success as you do.


You are a by-product of your environment.