How you may be unconsciously blocking money.

The way you attract more money into your life is through transforming your relationship with it.

In order for you to feel at peace and joy with money, you have to consciously think about the positives and beautiful blessings money can bring you.

The joy it can provide,

The freedom it creates,

The abundance of choice and opportunity.

Money is a resource that is truly here to support the desires you have and experience life to it’s fullest potential and this looks and feels very differently for each of us.

When we attach a meaning and emotion to money (specifically a negative one) that is how we unconsciously and energetically block it's flow.

This takes practice and the first step is always to be aware of your patterns, thoughts and behaviours around money and towards those who have more of it (or less) than you do.

Ask yourself this question, “why can’t I be wildly wealthy?”

Be brutally honest with yourself, cast no judgement to those thoughts, see them, observe them, take note of them, this is a crucial piece of the puzzle.

The first time I started diving into my money blocks years ago, these were some that come up:

  • I wasn’t born into money

  • I don’t know enough

  • I’m not smart enough

  • I wouldn’t even know what to do with millions of dollars

  • I’m not lucky

  • I will have to work a lot harder and sacrifice time with my family

  • People will want hand outs if I’m too wealthy

  • More money more problems

  • People will judge me and think I’m greedy

Can you relate to any of these? Maybe some of these come up for you.

I just want you to know that money mindset work completely changed my life and the lives of my clients, it is so important to work on this area of yourself if you truly desire to have a wealthy life and incredibly successful business, because these blocks will continually sabotage your efforts and they show up in sneaky ways sometimes,

But that is where I come in, I’ve got you, you’ve got this, you can do hard things and you truly deserve an abundant life and freedom-based business.

PS. Check out this short sweet video I created to get started "Money Mindset Fundamentals Uncovered" for only $22.

Link in bio or check out

Carla xx


Chasing money repels it, here is the key.


What your personal power truly means.