How to attract your high vibe inner circle.

Do you ever meet someone and instantly you know they are your kind of person?

Chances are this is because they are emitting a frequency that is the same as yours.

If you want to attract more high vibe people in your life who light you up, believe in your mission, back your dreams and desires, then you need to look in the mirror and see if you are giving off the vibe you want to attract first.

Like attracts like remember?

They say you become and average of the top 5 people you spend the most time with, so analyse those people and be brave.

It may mean letting go from a place of love and grace, because you are no longer aligned in life (or business), it means honouring yourself and it means you are stepping into the highest version of yourself and have healthy boundaries.

I used to be such a closed-minded person, often jumping to the negative thought rather than the positive, but man have I done a lot of rewiring these last few years, as well has setting boundaries and letting go and my god has it paid off!

I am surrounded by the most beautiful people, my vision is no longer cloudy, don't get me wrong there are still layers to go through because personal development never ends, but it was all worth it and will continue to be worth it on my mission to normalise wealth and transform the minds of purpose-driven women in business.

Thoughts and emotions are like sound waves.

Every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency or changes your wave frequency.

The act of simply changing a thought to one that serves you can completely change your frequency, which changes your experience and then your life.

Do you agree? Have you made tough choices to honour yourself too?

Carla xx⁠


Feel the fear and do it anyway.


Do you block your own success by doing this?