Expansion requires you to get your sh*t together.
Each of us have a unique blueprint to feel successful, create wealth, hold the frequency of money and feel abundant.
I didn't get here by accident, to this tipping point in my life where everything started to make sense, a moment of pure enlightenment.
Call it woo, call it whatever you want, but up until 29 years of age I was just living the way I thought I was supposed to live, not shining too bright, keeping everyone happy, ignoring my internal system, doing what I thought was supposed too.
Have you ever felt like this?
Don't get me wrong, I have manifested a beautiful life;
- Travelling to 16 countries and counting.
- Marrying my best friend.
- Birthing three beautiful children.
- A family home well beyond what we thought we would ever afford.
- An incredible support network of family and friends.
- Investing $40k and counting on my personal development.
- Building a business that supports women to cultivate wealth.
And so much more, but amongst all of these beautiful things, the thing that was missing was living my purpose, which I always knew was more than to be a mother, it was to create a legacy and support women all around the world.
If you are ready to create your own legacy, I invite you to apply for private coaching with me.
Carla xx