Why my discovery calls always convert.

It is no lie that every single time I have jumped on a discovery call with a potential client they have converted every time.

Sometimes not immediately but they always come back, because when they truly tap into their energy and how they felt talking to me, they knew trusting it would lead them to where they desired to go, and it has.

I hold the belief that a discovery call is a hell yes inevitable client, but it wasn’t always like this.

In the past when I was still figuring it out, still getting clear on what I was here to do, who I was here to serve, backing myself and the knowledge I had,

I would question every single little thing including the things that would mean nothing, they were just stories I would tell myself, maybe you can relate?

For example,

I need a better sales page and better copy,

I need a professional photoshoot to look like a professional,

I need X amount of followers to be seen as an authority,

I need to craft my message and write in a certain way to attract clients,

I need more qualifications,

I need more time…. blah blah blah, you get the jist?

These were all stories, the moment I decided to create a new story and tell myself that my dream clients would know to trust their energy and if they felt the hell yes urge to work with me, then it was a no brainer and they would follow that gut feel.

And so they did, they all leaned into their energy, because a gut feel is there for a reason, good or bad, trust it, I encourage it too.

I don’t believe you need to sell yourself, they wouldn’t jump on a discovery call if there wasn’t a reason they were drawn to you.

You just need to work on your confidence and show up from that place.

The more confident you are within yourself, the more you listen to you own energy (and yes that sometimes means saying no to clients that aren’t aligned), only beautiful progression and growth happens from this place.

Not just for you but for your client too. because expansion goes both ways.

What story do you need to replace to back yourself and attract soul-aligned clients with ease?

Carla xx


Working hard doesn’t mean you’ll be wealthy.


Do you believe that you can rewire your brain for unimaginable success?