How I learnt to surrender attune to limitless abundance.

The more I search for joy,

For pleasure,

For love,

For gratitude,

The more I surrender,

The more I release control,

The more I receive divine guidance, opportunities, clients, money, ease, freedom and clarity.

Synchronicities always flow my way without me actively looking for it or trying to control it, (even though I am specific manifestor).

It wasn't always like this though,

I often got caught up the belief that if I just worked harder,

If I just had more time,

If I just had more support,

If I just had more money now,

Then I could be successful quickly and quantum leap...

But that's not the truth.

It all happens in this very moment, the beautiful NOW. and by taking it one moment at a time.

If we continue doing more of the same, guess what, it will only equal more of the same,

Why we do this is because we often live from past conditioning and experiences by default, unless we choose differently.

You get to choose differently, because the beautiful flow on effect is you start to feel, think and do things differently which leads to different results.

PS. Check out this short sweet video I created to get started "Money Mindset Fundamentals Uncovered" for only $22.

Link in bio or check out

Carla xx


Your issue isn’t creating money, it’s receiving it.


It’s time to ditch the mum guilt.