22 Journal Prompts to Attract Abundance

  1. What leap would you take right now if you knew your success was inevitable?

  2. What is stopping you right now from taking the leap?

  3. How would you speak to money if it was a person?

  4. How do you treat money in your every day life?

  5. What do you catch yourself day dreaming about?

  6. What are your top five values in life?

  7. What have you manifested in your life to date?

  8. When did you ever feel unworthy of having your desires?

  9. How much money do you want to make every month/year/in your lifetime and what will this figure bring to you?

  10. How often and when do you feel connected to your intuition and highest self?

  11. What thoughts stop you from taking aligned action towards your goals?

  12. How do you feel about receiving money or gifts?

  13. What memories do you have around money as a child?

  14. Do you believe there is enough money and abundance to go round or do you feel there is never enough?

  15. What are three areas in your life that you need to focus on and improve to up level your experience of life?

  16. What is one aspect of your life that makes you feel less than?

  17. What limitations stand in your way between you and your goals?

  18. If you were to “fail” what would be the worst thing to happen?

  19. Is the worst thing really that bad or simply perception?

  20. What does success look like to you?

  21. What does your perfect day look like?

  22. Do you block your own success?


33 Money Affirmations


11 Mindset Hacks to Manifest Money